ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Toulouse

Toulouse is a city in France that has been around for a really long time, even before you were born! People have been living in that area for over 2,000 years.

A long, long time ago, the Romans came and set up a city in Toulouse. They called it "Tolosa." They built big buildings, paved roads, and had markets where people could buy things like food, clothes, and even slaves.

After the Romans left, a group of people called the Visigoths took over the city. They were very powerful and stayed there for a while. Then, in the 8th century, another group called the Moors came and tried to take over Toulouse. But the people who lived there didn't want to be ruled by the Moors, so they fought really hard to keep them out.

The city became a very important center for trade and commerce. People would come from all over to buy and sell goods. The 13th century was a big time for Toulouse. It was a city of many churches and was known for its beautiful architecture. The most famous place in Toulouse is probably the Capitole, which is a big building where the mayor and other important people work.

Throughout the years, Toulouse has seen a lot of changes. It has been affected by wars, disease, and even natural disasters. But, the people who live there are strong and have always managed to rebuild and make the city better. Today, Toulouse is known as the "Pink City" because of the color of the bricks used in many of the buildings. It is still a center for trade and commerce, as well as a hub for science and technology.