ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of books

Well hello there little one! Today, we’re going to learn about the history of books.

You know how we read books for stories, right? But did you know that books used to be very different a long time ago?

A very long time ago, before there were any books, people would draw on cave walls to tell their stories. Then, they started writing things down on clay tablets and papyrus, which was made from a plant.

But it was hard to carry around a bunch of clay tablets or papyrus, so people started making books. These books looked very different from the books we have now. They were made by hand, with each page being created one at a time.

Before the printing press was invented, all books had to be handwritten, which took a lot of time and effort. This made books very expensive, and only rich people could afford them.

But then, in the 1450s, a man named Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. This was a machine that could make lots of copies of a book very quickly, so books became a lot cheaper and more people could afford them.

Over time, books started to look more like the ones we have today. They became a lot easier to carry around and were made with more durable materials.

In recent years, digital books have become very popular because they’re easy to carry around on devices like tablets or e-readers. But books made out of paper are still very important, and people still love to read them.

So that’s the history of books, in a nutshell! From cave walls to tablets, to handwritten books, to printed books, and now finally to digital books. It’s been quite a journey!