ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of female education in Africa

Okay, so a long time ago in Africa, only boys were allowed to go to school. This was because people thought that boys were smarter and will grow up to be the leaders of their communities. Girls were expected to stay home and help their moms with housework and taking care of other family members.

However, some people started to realize that girls were also smart and deserved a chance to learn too. So, in the early 1900s, some schools started to allow girls to attend.

But it wasn't easy for girls to go to school. They often faced discrimination and prejudice from people who thought they shouldn't be there. Some families also didn't want their daughters to go to school because they didn't think it was necessary or because they needed them to help with housework.

Despite these challenges, many girls persevered and went to school. They learned how to read, write, and do math, and some even went on to become teachers and doctors.

Today, more and more girls are going to school in Africa. Many countries have made it a priority to ensure that girls have equal access to education. There are still challenges, but progress is being made. And who knows, maybe one day a girl in Africa will become the leader of her country!