ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of immigration to Canada

Immigration is when people from other countries or cultures come to live in Canada. This has been happening for a long time in Canada. In the 1800s, people from Europe, like the British and Irish, moved to Canada because they needed more space to farm and work. People from China and India also came to Canada in the 1800s to work in the gold mines or in railway building. In the 1900s, more people from Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean moved to Canada looking for new jobs and a different place to live. Today, Canada is a very diverse country with people from all over the world living and working here. Canada also has programs in place to help people who are refugees or asylum seekers come and live here in safety. Immigration has changed and shaped Canada's history, culture, and economy over time and will continue to do so in the future.