ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of macroeconomic thought

Macroeconomics is the study of how the whole economy works, including things like unemployment, inflation, and the money supply. Macroeconomic thought has been studied since ancient times. Ancient civilizations used things like taxes and public works to help manage their economies. As time went on, people continued to look for ways to understand and improve their economies.

In the 1700s, economists like Adam Smith and David Hume began to write about how markets controlled prices and wages. They helped explain how economies worked, and their ideas are still studied today.

In the 1800s and early 1900s, economists like Karl Marx wrote about why people needed a living wage to provide for their families. They also wrote about the dangers of inequality and the problems caused by governments not regulating the economy.

In the early 1900s, economists like John Maynard Keynes introduced the idea of using government spending to stimulate economic growth and reduce unemployment. His ideas worked and are still used by governments around the world.

Today, economists are looking at macroeconomic thought in new ways. They are studying how to better use technology and innovation to improve economic growth. They are also looking into new ways to help fight poverty and inequality. Macroeconomic thought is always evolving and continues to help the world understand the economy and how to make it better.