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History of mathematicians

Mathematics has been around for a very, very long time. People have always needed to use numbers and calculations to do things like count their sheep or figure out how much land they have. But it wasn't until about 2,500 years ago that people really started studying math on a deeper level.

The ancient Greeks were some of the first people to really study math. They had a guy named Pythagoras who figured out a really important math idea that we still use today called the Pythagorean theorem. He said that in a right triangle (which is a triangle with one angle that's a perfect 90 degrees), the square of the length of the hypotenuse (which is the longest side of the triangle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

But the Greeks didn't stop there. They had a whole bunch of really smart guys (and some women too, although we don't know as much about them) who studied all sorts of different math ideas. One guy named Euclid wrote a book called Elements that laid out all the basic principles of geometry (which is the study of shapes and measurements).

After the Greeks, there were lots of other cultures that made important contributions to mathematics. For example, the Indians figured out how to represent numbers using a number system that's based on 10 (which is the system we still use today).

Then there were a bunch of really famous mathematicians who lived in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. These guys (and again, not as many women unfortunately) were really interested in coming up with formulas and equations that could be used to solve all sorts of problems. One famous guy named Newton came up with the idea of calculus, which is a way of studying how things change over time.

Today, mathematicians are still working hard to come up with new ideas and solve tough problems. They might be studying how to use math to help computers run more efficiently or trying to figure out how to design a bridge that won't collapse. Whatever they're working on, they're using the same basic ideas and principles that people have been using for thousands of years.