ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of organizations

Okay kiddo, let me try to explain the history of organizations in a way that you can understand.

Organizations are groups of people who work together towards a common goal. They can range from something as small as a group of friends playing together to something as big as a multi-national corporation.

Throughout history, people have always worked together in some form of organization. In ancient times, people formed tribes where they worked together to hunt, gather food, and protect themselves from danger.

As societies became more complex, people started to form more structured organizations. For example, the Roman army was a massive organization that was created to protect the Roman Empire. The army had strict rules and hierarchies that allowed it to function effectively.

During the Middle Ages, guilds were formed. These were groups of craftsmen who shared skills and knowledge. They would work together to set standards for their industry and protect their interests.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, organizations shifted towards a more corporate model. Companies were formed to produce goods or provide services on a larger scale. These companies had clear hierarchies, rules, and regulations that allowed them to function efficiently.

Today, organizations continue to evolve. Many modern organizations are built around networked structures, where individuals and groups work together on a more equal footing.

So there you have it, kiddo - a brief history of organizations!