ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of parliamentarism

Okay, kiddo, so a long, long time ago, people didn't have a way to make decisions together about how to run their country. One person, like a king or queen, would make all the rules, and nobody else had much say in it.

But eventually, people started to realize that it wasn't fair for just one person to make all the decisions. So, they came up with an idea called parliamentarism. That's when a group of people, called parliament, work together to make decisions for their country.

Now, parliament wasn't something that just happened overnight. It took a lot of time and effort for people to come up with this idea and make it work. In fact, the first parliament was created in England in the 1200s, a really long time ago!

At first, parliament was just made up of rich and important people, like lords and bishops. But over time, more and more people were included, like commoners (that's regular people like you and me), and eventually, women too!

Today, most countries have some form of parliament, where people work together to make important decisions that affect everyone who lives in their country. It's not perfect, but it's much better than just having one person make all the rules!