ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parliamentary system

Okay, so you know how sometimes in games or at school, you have leaders or captains who make decisions for everyone else? A parliamentary system is a bit like that, but for an entire country!

In some countries, they have a special group of people called Members of Parliament - we can call them MPs for short. People in the country can vote for who they want to be their MP, kind of like how you might vote for a class captain or president at school.

Once the MPs are chosen, they all work together in a big building called Parliament - kind of like how all your classmates might work together in a classroom at school. The MPs are from different political parties - kind of like how you and your friends might be part of different groups at school - and they work together to make decisions.

The leader of the party that has the most MPs usually becomes the Prime Minister - kind of like how the person who gets the most votes for class captain becomes the class captain. The Prime Minister is in charge of making sure the country runs smoothly - kind of like how a teacher might be in charge of making sure everyone in the classroom works well together.

The MPs have a lot of meetings in Parliament where they talk about important things like laws and how to run the country. They also have something called a "Question Time" where the MPs can ask the Prime Minister and other government officials questions about what they're doing and how they're making decisions.

So, in summary, a parliamentary system is a way of running a country where people vote for Members of Parliament, who work together to make decisions about how the country should be run. The leader of the party with the most MPs becomes the Prime Minister and oversees everything.