ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of purgatory

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of heaven and hell? They are places that people believe you go to after you die. But what about a place in between? That's where purgatory comes in!

Purgatory is a place that some people believe in. It's a bit like a waiting room between heaven and hell. In purgatory, people think that their souls are purified so that they can enter heaven. It's like a big clean-up before you can go to the really good place.

The idea of purgatory has been around for a long, long time. It started with the ancient Greeks and their beliefs about a place called Hades. But it was really the early Christians who developed the idea into what we know as purgatory.

In the Catholic Church, purgatory became an official teaching in the 13th century. This means that the church leaders said it was something that Catholics should believe in. The idea was that when you die, your soul goes to purgatory if you're not quite ready for heaven. You stay there until you're cleaned up enough to enter heaven.

People in purgatory need help from the living to get out. The living can pray for them, do good works, and give money to the church to shorten their stay. This is called indulgences. Back in the old days, some Catholics would go so far as to buy indulgences to help their loved ones in purgatory. This caused some problems, and eventually led to the Protestant Reformation.

Today, not everyone believes in purgatory. Some Christians don't believe in it at all, while others believe in something similar but call it by a different name. But for those who do believe in it, purgatory is a hopeful place. It means that even if you're not quite perfect, you can still eventually reach the ultimate goal of heaven.