ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of sign language

Sign language is a way of communicating using your hands and body. People have been using sign language for a long, long time, since before they even had words to write down.

Many different groups of people around the world have used sign language throughout history. Some examples include Native American tribes and people who were born deaf or hard of hearing. In fact, sign language used by deaf people in France in the late 18th century is considered to be the root of modern American Sign Language.

For many years, people didn't really understand sign language or recognize it as a real language. They thought it was just a collection of gestures and movements. But as more people began studying sign language and learning how to use it, people started to recognize that it was a real language with grammar, structure, and rules just like spoken language.

Over time, different sign languages have developed in different countries and regions. These sign languages can be quite different from each other, just like spoken languages can be different. Some sign languages are based on the sign language used by indigenous peoples. Others are based on the sign language used by deaf communities.

Today, sign language is recognized as an important way for deaf and hard of hearing people to communicate. Many countries have recognized sign language as an official language, and there are even sign language interpreter programs at universities that train people to interpret conversations between signed and spoken languages.