ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Oralism is the idea that when someone is deaf or has a hearing loss, they should try to communicate using spoken language instead of sign language. It means that instead of relying on sign language to talk with other people who are deaf or hard of hearing, a person should try to use their voice and listen to others. This can involve going to special schools where teachers help them learn to speak and read lips.

For example, imagine you have a friend who is deaf. They might use sign language to communicate with you, which involves using their hands and body to show you what they mean. But if they wanted to try using oralism, they would practice speaking and listening more. They might go to a special school where teachers help them practice these skills, and they would try to talk to you more instead of using sign language.

While oralism can be helpful for some people who have a hearing loss, it's important to remember that sign language is also a valid and important way of communicating. Different people have different needs and preferences, and it's important to respect and support them in whichever way is best for them.