ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Language deprivation in deaf and hard of hearing children

Language deprivation means that a person does not learn how to communicate properly with others. For example, if people can't hear very well or not at all, they might not learn how to talk or listen like other people do. When this happens to children who are born deaf or hard of hearing, they may not learn a language the same way as other kids.

Learning a language is important because it helps us understand things and communicate with others. Kids who can't hear well might have trouble learning language, so they might miss out on important things that others take for granted, like understanding different words and phrases. This can make it harder for them to make friends or express themselves to others.

Deaf and hard of hearing children might use sign language to communicate. Sign language is using your hands and body to show words and ideas, kind of like "talking with your hands." It's a different way of communicating, but it still helps people understand each other. But sometimes, deaf and hard of hearing children don't have access to sign language, or people around them don't know how to sign. This can lead to even more language deprivation since they can't communicate easily with others.

Language deprivation is a big problem because it can affect a child's ability to learn and interact with others. It's important for parents and caregivers to talk to their deaf or hard of hearing child, teach them the signs they need to communicate, and make sure they are exposed to language in as many different ways as possible. That way, they can learn and grow just like any other child.