ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of the English and British line of succession

Okay kiddo, so let’s start with a really basic idea: a line of succession is like a line to take turns, but instead of playing a game, it’s for who will lead a country.

Way back in history, there were different rules about how people became the leader of England. Sometimes it was because they were born into a royal family, sometimes it was because they won a big battle, and sometimes it was because they married someone who was already the leader.

But eventually, people figured out that it was important to have a clear, predictable way to decide who should be next in line to be the leader.

So, they made some rules about who would become the leader of England and later, Great Britain. These rules were written down and are often called the “line of succession.”

Basically, the line of succession says that certain people in the royal family are more likely to become the leader than others, and if the current leader dies or can’t do the job anymore, the next person in line becomes the new leader.

There are a lot of rules about who can and can’t be next in line. For example, in the past, only boys could be next in line, even if they had older sisters. But in recent years, they changed that rule, so now a girl can be next in line even if she has a younger brother.

The current line of succession looks like this: the current monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is at the top of the list. After her comes her oldest son, Prince Charles, then his oldest son, Prince William, then William’s three children, in order of birth. After them come other members of the royal family, but only if everyone else ahead of them has died or can’t be the leader.

That’s a very basic rundown, but I hope it helps you understand a little bit about the history of the English and British line of succession!