ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel

Okay kiddo, so a really long time ago, there were some people called Jews who believed in a religion called Judaism. They lived in a place that we now call Israel.

These people had a long and complicated history in this land. They believe that God gave them the land of Israel and that they have a special connection to it.

Over time, various other groups of people also lived in Israel, and the Jews had to fight many battles to keep control of their land.

In the year 70 CE, the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans and many Jews were forced to leave Israel and went into exile. They spread out all over the world but always remembered their connection to Israel.

Throughout history, Jews have faced many challenges and discrimination but they still held onto their faith and traditions. Many Jews over centuries have hoped to return to Israel and in the late 1800s, a man named Theodor Herzl began a movement to create a Jewish homeland in Israel.

After many years of struggle and conflicts, in 1948, the State of Israel was established and Jews began to return to their homeland. Today, Israel remains a Jewish homeland and a place of great importance to people of the Jewish faith.