ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of the Latin script

Okay kiddo, so the Latin script is the way we write words using letters like A, B, C, and so on. It's called "Latin" because it originally came from a language called Latin, which was spoken by people in ancient Rome a long time ago.

For a really long time, people who wanted to write things down just used pictures and symbols that represented things, like a bird to represent a bird or a sun to represent the sun. But the Romans wanted to write things down in their own language, so they started to use a system of letters that they borrowed from another group of people called the Etruscans.

Over time, other languages also started to use this system of letters, and it became what we know today as the Latin script. As people around the world started to write things down more and more, they added different letters and punctuation to make it easier to read and understand.

Nowadays, almost all languages around the world use some version of the Latin script, although some languages have a few extra letters or use different punctuation marks to make their writing look unique. But the basic idea of using letters to represent sounds is still the same!