ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of the steel industry (1850–1970)

Steel is a very strong material that is used to make lots of things like big buildings, bridges, and cars. The steel industry is where people make steel to sell to other people who need it.

A long time ago, there wasn't a lot of steel around because it was hard to make. People used to make things out of iron which wasn't as strong. But in the 1850s, some really smart people figured out a way to make a lot more steel faster using something called the Bessemer process. This made it easier to make steel and more people began to use it to build things.

As more people started using steel, the steel industry grew really big. Lots of factories were built and they made a ton of steel. By the early 1900s, the United States was making more steel than any other country in the world.

During the 1900s, the steel industry continued to grow and new advancements were made in the way it was produced. This helped make steel cheaper and easier to get.

However, during this time there were also some big changes in the way people worked. Some people who made steel were being treated unfairly and weren't being paid a fair wage. They went on strike to try and make things better for themselves.

Despite some problems, the steel industry continued to grow and help make America a strong and powerful country. But by the 1970s, there was a lot of competition from other countries and the steel industry in the United States began to decline. Today, there are still many factories that make steel, but it is not as big as it once was.