ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hitting the wall

When people talk about "hitting the wall", they mean feeling like they suddenly can't go on anymore. It's kind of like when you're playing outside and suddenly you just feel really, really tired and you can't run or play anymore.

This often happens to people who are doing long and difficult activities, like running a marathon or hiking up a big mountain. When you're doing something like this, your body is using up a lot of energy and your muscles are working really hard. Your brain is also using up a lot of energy to tell your body what to do.

But after a while, your body might start to run out of energy. That's when you hit the wall. Your muscles might feel really heavy and sore, and it might feel like you can't take another step. Some people even feel kind of dizzy or sick.

The good news is, hitting the wall doesn't mean you can't finish what you're doing. It just means you need to give your body a little break to recharge. That might mean taking a quick rest, eating some food for energy, or even just slowing down and taking it easy for a little while. After a break, you might be surprised at how much more energy you have and how much easier it feels to keep going.