ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Glycogen storage disease type V

Hi there kiddo! Let me try to explain glycogen storage disease type V to you in a way you can understand.

Our bodies need energy to run and move around. Just like a car needs fuel to run, our bodies need a type of sugar called glucose to give us energy.

Normally, when we eat food, our body breaks down the carbohydrates into glucose and stores it in our muscles and liver for when we need it later. But some people have a condition called glycogen storage disease type V.

This means their bodies have trouble breaking down a type of glycogen (the stored version of glucose) called glycogenin-1. So instead of being able to use this stored glucose for energy, it builds up in their bodies and causes problems.

People with this condition might feel tired all the time, have muscle pain, and have trouble exercising. Sometimes, their muscles can even break down and release harmful substances into their bodies.

But don't worry! There are ways to manage this condition. People with glycogen storage disease type V may need to eat a special diet, take medication, or get specialized exercise coaching to help manage their symptoms. With the right treatment, they can still live happy and healthy lives like everyone else!