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Hizb Rateb

Hizb Rateb is a special prayer that Muslims recite in Islam. It is usually prayed after the Isha prayer, which is the last prayer of the day. This prayer is a way to ask for Allah's protection and blessings for the night.

To understand Hizb Rateb, let's imagine that you are going to bed at night. Before sleeping, you want to ask for protection and blessings for the night. This prayer is just like that, but instead of just asking for protection, it is a specific set of verses and supplications that are recited in a particular order.

Hizb Rateb is a beautiful prayer that Muslims recite to seek protection from all kinds of harm, calamities, and disasters. This prayer is specially designed to provide peace and tranquillity to the heart and soul of a Muslim.

The word 'hizb' means a group or a party, and 'rateb' means arranged. So Hizb Rateb is like a special group of verses and supplications arranged in a specific order.

The prayer includes reciting verses from the Quran, sending blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), asking for forgiveness, and seeking protection from various kinds of harm. It is believed that whoever recites Hizb Rateb regularly will always remain under Allah's protection and blessings.

In summary, Hizb Rateb is a special prayer that Muslims recite after the Isha prayer to seek protection and blessings from Allah for the night. It is a group of verses and supplications arranged in a specific order to provide peace and tranquillity to the heart and soul of a Muslim.