ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hokule'a is a big canoe that comes from Hawaii. It is very special because it doesn't use a motor and instead uses the power of the wind and the waves to sail across the ocean. People have been using canoes like this to travel long distances for a very long time.

The reason why Hokule'a is so important is because it represents the traditional way of traveling across the ocean that the people of Hawaii used a long time ago. In the past, they would go on big voyages across the ocean to visit other islands and trade goods. They would navigate using the stars and the currents in the water.

In the 1970s, the people of Hawaii wanted to keep this tradition alive and built the Hokule'a using traditional materials and techniques. Since then, it has gone on many voyages, traveling to places like Tahiti, New Zealand, and even all the way around the world. On these voyages, the crew of Hokule'a learns about different cultures and shares their own Hawaiian culture with others.

Hokule'a is also important because it teaches us about sustainability and taking care of the Earth. The crew members make sure to use resources wisely and to not harm the ocean and its creatures. They also work to educate others about the importance of taking care of the planet.

So, in summary, Hokule'a is a special canoe from Hawaii that represents a traditional way of traveling across the ocean. It goes on voyages to learn about different cultures and to teach others about sustainability and taking care of the Earth.