ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Holographic weapon sight

Okay kiddo, so a holographic weapon sight is a special tool that helps people who use guns to aim better. When you shoot a gun, you have to line up the gun with your target to make sure that you hit it. It's kind of like throwing a ball through a hoop, you have to aim right to get it in.

But sometimes it can be hard to line up the gun just right, especially if you're in a hurry or it's hard to see your target. That's where the holographic weapon sight comes in.

It works like this: you look through a little window on top of your gun and you can see a special hologram that shows you where to aim. The hologram is like a little picture that floats in the air and it shows you exactly where your gun is pointed.

It's kind of like having a really smart friend who always tells you exactly what to do to hit your target. Even if you're moving or your target is moving, the holographic sight will show you where to aim so you don't miss.

So, if you're ever playing with toy guns or even if you ever grow up to use a real gun, a holographic weapon sight is a really cool tool that can help you aim better and hit your target every time.