ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Homo ergaster

Homo ergaster is a type of ancient human that lived a long, long time ago. They were like us in some ways, but also different!

Imagine you are looking at some really old bones that were found buried in the ground. These bones belonged to Homo ergaster, who was around hundreds of thousands of years ago. They were one of the first humans to look a bit like us and not like apes.

Homo ergaster had a big brain, which helped them think and make tools to survive. They were also able to stand up straight and walk on two legs, which was pretty new for humans back then! This helped them be really good at running and hunting, because they could use their hands for other things like tools and weapons.

They also looked different from earlier humans. They had long and low skulls, with smaller teeth and strong jaw bones for chewing food. They were also taller and slimmer than earlier humans, which helped them run really fast.

Even though Homo ergaster lived a long time ago, we can still learn a lot from their bones and tools. It helps us understand how humans evolved and became the way we are today!