ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Honey bee

Honey bees are little insects that live in hives and work very hard. They have a special job in nature, and that is to pollinate plants. Pollination is like when bees help make flowers have babies. They do this by collecting pollen, which is like the flower's "baby dust," and moving it from one flower to another. When they do this, it helps the flowers grow seeds or fruits.

Now, honey bees live in a big group called a hive. The hive is like their home, and they all have different roles to play. There is a queen bee, who is like the leader of the group. She lays lots and lots of eggs, which will grow up to become worker bees and drones.

Worker bees are the ones you see flying around collecting nectar and pollen. Nectar is like a sweet juice that flowers make, and the bees use it to make honey. They have a special long tube called a proboscis that they use to suck up the nectar. They store it in a special stomach called a honey sac and bring it back to the hive.

Once they bring the nectar back to the hive, the worker bees pass it to other bees who are called house bees. These house bees chew on the nectar for a while and mix it with special chemicals from their bodies. This turns the nectar into honey, which is a very yummy and sticky liquid that we humans love to eat!

The bees store the honey in small compartments in the hive called honeycomb. Honeycomb looks like a bunch of little hexagons stuck together. The bees make it using wax that comes out of their bodies. They shape the wax into these hexagons to make a good place to store the honey.

Now, bees don't only collect nectar and make honey. They also collect pollen. Pollen is like a powder and it sticks to the bees' fuzzy legs and bodies when they visit flowers. They carry the pollen back to the hive and use it to feed the baby bees, called larvae. The worker bees mix the pollen with special bee bread (a mix of pollen and nectar) and give it to the larvae to eat. This helps the larvae grow and become strong bees.

But honey bees don't just work all day. They also have fun and dance! When a worker bee finds a great source of nectar or pollen, it goes back to the hive and does a special dance to tell the other bees where to find the yummy flowers. It's like a special language they have to communicate with each other.

So you see, honey bees are little insects that work hard to collect nectar and pollen from flowers. They use the nectar to make honey, which we humans love to eat. They also help flowers make babies by pollinating them. And they live in big groups in hives, with a queen bee as their leader.