ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

More than Honey

So, honey is a sweet and sticky thing that bees make. They fly from flower to flower and collect a sugary liquid called nectar. Then, they bring the nectar back to their hive and turn it into honey. Honey is their food and they use it to stay healthy and strong.

But did you know that there are different types of honey? Some honey is made by bees that only visit one type of flower, like orange blossom honey or clover honey. This means that the honey will have a special taste depending on the flowers the bees visited.

Now, when bees make honey, they store it in these special structures called honeycombs. The honeycombs are made up of little hexagonal cells, just like tiny little rooms. The bees fill these cells with honey and then close them up with a wax cap to keep the honey safe.

But here's where it gets really interesting. Some people take care of bees and their honeycombs in a special way called beekeeping. Beekeepers have these special boxes called beehives where bees can live and make honey.

Beekeepers make sure the bees have everything they need to make honey, like lots of flowers nearby and a safe place to live. They also take care of the bees and make sure they are healthy. When the bees have made enough honey, the beekeepers take some of it but also leave some for the bees to eat.

So, "More than Honey" is a movie or documentary that talks about all the different things bees do and how important they are. Bees not only make honey, but they also help us by pollinating plants. Pollination is when bees carry pollen from flower to flower, and this helps plants grow and make fruits and vegetables!

The movie shows how bees are very important for our environment and our food. It also talks about how some things, like pesticides and loss of their natural habitats, are making it harder for bees to survive. So, the movie shows why we need to take care of the bees so they can keep making honey and helping us with our food.

In summary, "More than Honey" is a movie that tells us how bees make honey and help plants grow. It also explains why we need to take care of bees and protect them so they can keep doing their important job.