ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes when we go on a road trip we have to go over a big bridge to get to another place? That's kind of what the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge is, only it's not just one bridge, it's a really long series of bridges and tunnels that connect Hong Kong, Zhuhai, and Macau which are all places in China.

It's a really big bridge because it's almost 55 kilometers long! That's like driving from our house to grandma's house and back 10 times! To make it even bigger, some parts of the bridge are also underwater because they had to build tunnels under the sea to connect the different parts of the bridge.

The bridge was built because it makes it easier and faster for people and things to move between these three places. Before the bridge was built, people had to take a really long time to go around the water to get from one place to the other and sometimes they had to take a boat which took even longer.

But now with the bridge, people can drive or take a bus or even take a train along the bridge and get to their destination much faster! It's like a big highway that goes across the water. It took a lot of people a really long time to build, but now it helps a lot of people save time and get to where they need to go.