Okay, so imagine you have a big book with all the names of people who went to war and didn't come back. The Honolulu Memorial is kind of like a giant bookshelf where we can remember the brave soldiers who fought and died in World War II and the Korean War but couldn't come home to their families.
On the Memorial, there are some big walls called "Courts of the Missing" where you can see lists of the names of the soldiers who were lost during the war and didn't have their bodies found. But, there are also some stones called "Tablets of the Missing" which have the names of the soldiers who were also lost in battle, but their bodies were found and buried somewhere else.
The Memorial is a really special place because it helps us remember and honor the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our country, even though they weren't able to return home. It's a place for us to come pay our respects and say thank you.