ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Honor system

The honor system means that you are trusted to do the right thing even when no one is watching you. It's like when you are playing with your friends and they ask you to take turns. You could easily cheat and go twice in a row, but you don't because it's not fair.

When we use the honor system, we are promising to be honest and trustworthy. This means following rules, being kind to others, and doing what's right even if it's not the easiest thing to do.

In school, the honor system might mean not cheating on a test by looking at someone else's answers. It might also mean not plagiarizing someone else's work and giving them credit for their ideas. In sports, the honor system means playing by the rules and being a good sport even if you lose.

The honor system is important because it helps us build trust in ourselves and others. When we trust each other, we can work together to create a better world.