ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A horse is a big and strong animal that people ride on or use to help them do work. They have a long and thick tail, a main of hair that grows along their neck, and four legs with hooves at the bottom. They can run really fast and jump really high.

Horses eat hay and grass, and sometimes grains, like oats. They need to drink lots of water to stay healthy. People take care of horses by brushing their fur to keep them clean, giving them food and water, and taking them to see the doctor when they are sick.

Some horses are used for racing, where they run around a track and try to be the fastest. Other horses are used for riding, where people sit on them and tell them where to go. Some horses are used for pulling things, like carriages or plows. And some horses are just kept by people as pets, to keep them company and be their friend.