ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Horse tack

Tack is like clothes for horses. Just like humans wear clothes to keep themselves safe and comfortable, horses wear tack to keep them safe and comfortable too.

The most important item of tack is the saddle. The saddle goes on the horse's back and helps the rider stay on the horse. It also keeps the rider safe by providing a cushion when the horse jumps or runs.

The bridle is another important piece of tack. The bridle goes on the horse's head and helps the rider control the horse. It has a bit that goes in the horse's mouth and reins that attach to the bit. When the rider pulls on the reins, the horse knows what to do.

There are many other pieces of tack that horses wear, like blankets, boots, and martingales. These items help protect the horse's body while they are working or playing.

It's important to take good care of the horse's tack. We clean it, oil it, and store it properly, so it lasts a long time.
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