ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Howard C. Hawkins

Howard C. Hawkins is a man who did many important things in his life. He was born a long time ago, in 1901, and he lived until 1980.

When he was young, Howard C. Hawkins went to school to learn about many different things. Later, he became a teacher himself and taught other people about the things he knew. He was very good at this, and many people learned a lot from him.

But Howard C. Hawkins didn't stop there. He became interested in something called "library science," which is all about how libraries work and how to make them better. He wrote books and articles about libraries that were very helpful to other people who wanted to learn about them.

Howard C. Hawkins also did something very important for libraries. He started something called the "library systems movement." This means that he helped create groups of libraries that worked together to share resources and help each other out. This was really important because it helped libraries become more efficient and effective at serving their communities.

So, in summary, Howard C. Hawkins was a man who loved to learn and teach. He was very interested in libraries and helped make them better by writing books and starting a movement that encouraged libraries to work together.