ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hue and cry

Hue and cry is a term used in the olden days when people didn't have phones or computers to call for help. So, if something bad happened, like if someone stole something, the people nearby would shout out loudly and make noise to alert others.

The word 'hue' referred to the loud sound of someone shouting, and 'cry' referred to the alarm or announcing of the situation. It's like when you see a spider or a bug, you would shout for your friends or family to come quickly and help you.

The hue and cry was used to get as many people as possible to know about a crime or incident so they could help catch the bad guys. People would then gather together and search for the thieves, usually armed with sticks or whatever they could find, to catch them before they escaped.

Nowadays, we have phones and other devices to seek help, so the hue and cry isn't really used anymore. It's still an interesting concept from the past and shows how people worked together to help those in need.