Hui pan-nationalism is when people who belong to the Hui ethnic group feel a strong connection to their fellow Hui people who are living in other countries. Hui people share a cultural and religious background, as most of them practice Islam. This can create a sense of unity and shared identity among the group, even if they come from different parts of the world.
For example, if a Hui person from China were to meet another Hui person from Indonesia, they would feel a sense of kinship because they belong to the same ethnic group and share many of the same beliefs and customs. This feeling of belonging to a larger community can be very important for people who live in places where they may be in the minority or face discrimination.
Hui pan-nationalism is similar to other types of nationalism, like the idea of "American exceptionalism" or "European identity." It's about feeling a strong sense of connection to a larger group and believing that this group deserves special recognition or treatment. However, it's important to remember that nationalism can also lead to division and conflict if taken too far, so it's important to strike a balance between pride in one's heritage and respect for others.