ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human mating strategies

Okay kiddo, so today we are going to talk about how humans choose their partners to have babies with. This is called "human mating strategy."

Now, just like animals in the wild, humans have different ways of finding a mate. Some people believe that it is important to find someone who is strong and healthy, like a lion who looks for a lioness who is strong and can protect her cubs.

Other people believe that it is important to find someone who is kind, loving and supportive. They look for someone who they can trust and rely on, like how a baby elephant relies on its mother to take care of it.

Then there are some people who like to play the field and not stick with just one partner. They might have multiple partners at the same time, or they might switch partners often. This is like how some birds have many different mates in their lifetime.

Sometimes, people might choose a partner based on things like money or social status. These things can be important, but they don't always mean the person is a good partner. It's important to look for qualities like kindness and respect.

It's also important to remember that everyone is different, and each person has their own idea of what makes a good partner. Some people might prioritize physical attraction while others prefer emotional connection.

In the end, the most important thing is to find someone who makes you happy and feel good about yourself. And when you're ready, you can start a family and raise your own little cubs.