ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human radiation experiments

Okay kiddo, so do you know what radiation is? It's like invisible rays or energy that comes from different sources, like the sun or some kinds of machines.

Well, a long time ago, some scientists wanted to study more about radiation and what it could do to the human body. They did experiments on people to try to learn more about how radiation affects us.

Now, some of these experiments were not very nice. Some people didn't even know they were being experimented on, and it might have caused them harm or even made them sick. And that's not okay!

So now, we have rules and laws that say we can't do experiments like this without people's permission and without making sure it's safe for them.

It's important to remember that people should always be treated with respect and not used like guinea pigs in experiments. We can still learn about radiation and how it affects us by doing safe tests, like using machines or studying things from a distance.