ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Project Sunshine was a secret program that the United States government began in the 1950s. Its goal was to study the effects of nuclear explosions on the earth's atmosphere by collecting samples of materials produced by these explosions. These materials, called fallout, contain radioactive particles that can be harmful to people and the environment.

Scientists involved in Project Sunshine wanted to know how much fallout was produced by nuclear explosions and where it ended up. They also wanted to figure out how long the radioactive materials remained dangerous and how they moved through the environment.

To gather the necessary data, scientists needed samples of fallout from nuclear explosions around the world. They collected these samples from the air, the ground, and even from human tissue.

The Project Sunshine program was controversial because it involved obtaining samples from deceased people without their consent. The scientists collected samples from the bones of deceased infants and children, as well as from the teeth of people who died in accidents or were buried in various locations.

This unethical practice was eventually exposed, and the public outcry led to changes in research ethics and the establishment of strict guidelines for obtaining human tissue samples in research.

Overall, the Project Sunshine program helped scientists understand the risks of nuclear radiation and inform policies around nuclear weapons testing. However, it was also a reminder of the importance of ethical research practices and respect for human rights.