ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human rights abuses in Manipur

Human rights abuses in Manipur are when certain people in authority, like the government or the police, do things that hurt people’s basic rights. These basic rights include things like the right to live without fear or harm, the right to be treated fairly, and the right to have a say in decisions that affect you. Unfortunately, in Manipur, some people in authority have been doing things that take away these basic rights from others.

For example, sometimes the police or the military will use their power in ways that are not fair to the people they are supposed to be protecting. They might hurt or kill people without any reason, or they might keep people in jail for a really long time without a fair trial. This is not supposed to happen because everyone has the right to be treated fairly and not be harmed without reason.

In Manipur, many people have been fighting against these kinds of human rights abuses for a long time. They want to make sure that everyone can live without fear and be treated with respect. It is important to recognize that everyone, no matter who they are or where they live, has basic human rights that should be protected.