ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human rights and development

Imagine you and your friends are playing a game. Everyone should be treated fairly and given a chance to play. This is what human rights mean - everyone should be treated fairly and equally.

Now, think about a group of people living in a village. They don't have access to clean water, food, or healthcare. This makes their lives really tough, and they can't even enjoy their basic human rights.

This is where development comes in. Development is like when you and your friends build a bigger and better treehouse so everyone can have more fun playing. In the same way, development aims to make people's lives better by providing them with more opportunities, access to clean water, healthcare, education, and other basic needs.

But development shouldn't just happen without taking into account human rights. For example, if someone's right to have a say in what happens in their community is ignored, then even if their village gets a new school, they won't really benefit because they won't be able to decide how the school is run or contribute to their own development.

So, human rights and development go hand in hand. We need to make sure that development is done in a way that respects human rights and gives people a say in their own lives. This will help make the world a better place!