ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human rights in East Asia

Human rights are the things that everyone deserves to have, like being treated fairly and having basic needs met. These rights are supposed to apply to everyone, no matter where they live. East Asia is a large region located in Asia, and there are many countries in this region, including China, Japan, and North and South Korea.

In some parts of East Asia, there are concerns about human rights. For example, in China, the government sometimes restricts what people can do or say. They also sometimes put people in jail simply for disagreeing with the government. In North Korea, the government controls almost every aspect of people's lives, and many basic needs, like food, are not being met. Additionally, people in these countries may not be allowed to practice their religion or choose their own leaders, which violates their human rights.

However, it's important to remember that not all countries in East Asia have these same concerns about human rights. For example, Japan and South Korea tend to be more open and democratic, with a greater respect for human rights.

Overall, it's important to recognize that human rights are something that everyone deserves, and to work towards protecting and promoting these rights in East Asia and around the world.