Okay kiddo, so you know how some people believe in a guy named Jesus who is really important to them, right? Well, a long time ago some people didn't like Jesus and they wanted to punish him for what he was saying and teaching.
So what they did was they put a crown made of thorns on his head and made fun of him. They made him carry a big heavy cross and then they nailed him to it so he couldn't move. This was very painful and it was a way to torture him.
They made lots of people watch and laugh at him, which is very mean and not nice at all. Even though Jesus didn't do anything wrong, they wanted to make him look foolish and weak, but really he was actually showing how strong and brave he was because he knew that he was doing the right thing.
The humiliation part of it means that they tried to embarrass and shame him in front of everyone by making him look silly and powerless, but he didn't let it get to him. He stayed true to what he believed in and showed that he was stronger than them in the end.