ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin

Once upon a time, long long ago, there were a group of people called the Magyars. They lived in a place called the Ural Mountains, far far away from the Carpathian Basin.

One day, these Magyars decided to go on an adventure. They packed all their things and went on a long journey to find a new place to call home. They traveled for a very long time and finally arrived at the Carpathian Basin. The Carpathian Basin was a very big and beautiful place, but it was not easy to live there because there were already many people living there.

The Magyars didn't want to fight with the people already living there, so they decided to make friends with them and live together. However, the other people didn't want to be friends, so the Magyars had to fight to be able to stay. The Magyars were very strong and had good strategies, so they were able to defeat the other people and make the Carpathian Basin their new home.

The Magyars were very good at making things and working with their hands. They built many cities and buildings in the Carpathian Basin, and they also made friends with some of the other people living there. They taught the other people their ways and learned from them too.

And that, my dear child, is how the Magyars conquered the Carpathian Basin and made it their new home. It was not easy, but they were brave and strong, and they were able to overcome the obstacles that came their way.