ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hunting, fishing and animals in ancient Egypt

Thousands of years ago in Egypt, people needed to find ways to get food to eat. One way they did this was by hunting and fishing. Hunting meant going out into the wild and trying to catch animals like deer, antelope, and even bigger animals like lions. Fishing meant using something like a fishing rod or a net to catch fish.

Now, of course, hunting and fishing are not like going to a grocery store and picking something up. It required a lot of skill and knowledge. People had to learn how to track animals and find good spots to fish. They also had to use tools, like spears and bows and arrows, to catch these animals.

And while it may seem cool to catch a big animal or fish, it was also important to make sure that no animal populations were wiped out. So, rules were put in place to help prevent that. There were times when hunting and fishing were also seen as activities for the rich; however, many people also consumed these foods in everyday life.

Animals were also an important part of life in ancient Egypt, and they were often worshiped as gods or goddesses. Some of the more well-known animals that were important in ancient Egypt were cats, crocodiles, and ibises.

So, in summary, hunting and fishing were important ways for people to get food in ancient Egypt. People had to learn skills and use tools to catch animals. It was important to make sure that animal populations were not wiped out. Animals were also important in Egyptian religion and culture.