ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hi there! Hymap is a very special camera that can take pictures of things on earth from way up high in the sky! It's like a super cool superhero camera that can help scientists, geologists, and even people who study things like agriculture and forestry learn about our planet.

So, let me explain how Hymap works. When it's flying up in the sky, it takes pictures of the Earth using special sensors that can detect different types of light. These sensors can see things that our eyes cannot. For example, they can see things in the infrared part of the light spectrum, which helps scientists learn about things like the health of plants and the quality of water.

After Hymap takes all of these pictures, scientists can use them to create detailed maps and analyze different things about the Earth. This helps them understand how the Earth is changing over time and how to best take care of it.

So, in summary, Hymap is a really cool camera that takes pictures of the Earth from far away so that scientists can learn more about our planet and how to protect it. It's like a superhero camera!