ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, you know how you have toys that you love and play with all the time? Sometimes, you might get tired of playing with one toy and want to play with a different toy. Well, some grown-ups have things called molecules that they use for important things like making medicine or fuel for cars. But sometimes, they don't want to use the original molecule and want to make a different one. That's where hydrodealkylation comes in.

Hydrodealkylation is like taking off one part of a molecule and replacing it with a different part, kind of like swapping out one toy for another. Grown-ups use a special machine called a reactor to do this. They put the molecule they want to change into the reactor, and then they add a special substance called a catalyst. You can think of the catalyst like a helper who helps the grown-ups make the change happen faster.

Once the reactor is all set up, the grown-ups turn on the machine and let it do its work. The molecule they put in starts to break down and the catalyst helps it change into a different molecule. This new molecule might be better for making medicine or fuel than the original one, so the grown-ups are really happy!

And that, my dear five-year-old, is what hydrodealkylation is all about: making changes to molecules so that grown-ups can make better things for us.