ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hydrogen sulfide sensor

Okay kiddo, so have you ever smelled something that really stinks? It might have been rotten eggs or something like that. That stinky smell is actually a gas called hydrogen sulfide.

Now, sometimes we need to know if there's hydrogen sulfide gas in the air around us. That's why we use something called a hydrogen sulfide sensor.

The sensor is a little device that tells us if there's hydrogen sulfide gas nearby. It works kind of like a nose - it can "smell" the gas in the air.

But instead of telling us if it stinks, the sensor sends a signal to a computer or other machine that tells us how much gas is in the air. This is really important because too much hydrogen sulfide gas can be very dangerous, even deadly.

So the hydrogen sulfide sensor helps us know if we need to do something to stay safe, like leave the area or wear a special mask to breathe safely.