ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy airplane that you like to throw around in the air. Now, have you ever seen a big, fast airplane fly overhead? It's very loud and goes really, really fast, right? Well, some people are trying to make an airplane that goes even faster than that. It's called a hypersoar.

A hypersoar airplane would be able to go at super high speeds, way faster than regular airplanes. It would be really cool to see one in action, but they're still trying to figure out how to make it work. The problem is that when things go fast, they make a lot of heat because of friction. And our atmosphere is full of air that slows things down, so an airplane going super fast would need to find a way to get through all that air without burning up or crashing.

Scientists and engineers are working on it though, and they think they might be able to make a plane that could travel a really long distance in a short amount of time. It's kind of like they're trying to build a superhero airplane that can go faster than anyone thought was possible. Maybe someday, you'll be able to go on a hypersoar airplane and travel to far-off places really quickly!