ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hyperarithmetical hierarchy

The hyperarithmetical hierarchy is a long list of numbers that gets bigger and bigger as you go to higher levels. It's like stairs that go up and up and up, except instead of stairs, there are numbers.

At the bottom of the hyperarithmetical hierarchy are simple things like addition and multiplication. These are pretty easy operations that most people can do, even kids like you!

As you go up the hierarchy, things get more and more complicated. You start adding in things like exponents and logarithms, which might be a little tricky for you to understand at first.

But it doesn't stop there! The hyperarithmetical hierarchy goes on and on and on, getting more and more complex with each level. Eventually, you get into really advanced math concepts that even most grown-ups might have trouble understanding.

So basically, the hyperarithmetical hierarchy is a way of organizing different levels of math complexity. The higher you go on the hierarchy, the harder the math gets!