A hyperbolic quaternion is like a special kind of toy that can spin and move in different directions. Imagine a toy with four parts: a big square, a line on top of the square, another line sticking out from the right side of the square, and a final line sticking out from the front of the square.
Each of these parts can be made to move independently, kind of like how separate parts of a robot can move. When you combine all the movements together, the toy can do some really cool things, like rotate and move in different ways.
A hyperbolic quaternion is special because it can move and spin in "hyperbolic" space, which is a fancy math term for a kind of space that isn't quite like the space we're used to. Instead of being flat and unchanging, like a flat piece of paper, hyperbolic space is curved in a special way that makes it different from the space we experience in our everyday lives.
This toy can help us imagine and understand how hyperbolic space works, and can be used in a lot of different kinds of math and science problems. By playing around with its movements and exploring its properties, we can learn a lot about how hyperbolic space works and how things move and behave within it.