ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hypergolic propellant

You know how when you want to move something heavy, you need to push or pull it? Well, rockets are kind of like that. They need something to push them up into the sky, and that's where propellant comes in. Propellant is like the fuel for the rocket.

Now, there are different kinds of propellant, just like there are different kinds of fuel for cars. One type of propellant is called hypergolic propellant. This is a special kind of propellant that is used in some rockets.

Hypergolic propellant is special because it doesn't need a spark or a flame to ignite. Normally, when you want to make something catch on fire, you need a spark or a flame. But hypergolic propellant works differently.

Hypergolic propellant is made up of two chemicals that are really good at reacting with each other. These two chemicals are called a fuel and an oxidizer. The fuel is like the thing that burns, and the oxidizer is the thing that helps it burn.

When these two chemicals come into contact with each other, they react right away and make a fire. It's like when you mix two colors of paint together, and they instantly become a new color.

The reason hypergolic propellant is used in rockets is because it's very reliable and can be stored for a long time without losing its ability to ignite. Imagine if you had to wait for a spark or a flame to ignite the rocket fuel every time you wanted to launch a rocket. It would be very difficult and might not always work!

But with hypergolic propellant, the rocket can be launched quickly and reliably, just by mixing the two chemicals together. The reaction happens instantly and the rocket shoots up into the sky.

Of course, using hypergolic propellant also has some challenges. Since these chemicals can react so easily, it's important to handle and store them very carefully. You wouldn't want the rocket to accidentally ignite on the ground before you're ready to launch!

In conclusion, hypergolic propellant is a special kind of rocket fuel that can ignite instantly when its two chemicals come into contact with each other. It is reliable and easy to use, making it a good choice for launching rockets into space.