ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hypothetical moon of Mercury

So, you know how Mercury is a planet? Well, some scientists think that maybe there could be a moon that goes around it like how the moon goes around Earth.

Now, here's the tricky part. We're not totally sure if this moon exists or not. It's what we call "hypothetical," which is a fancy word for "we're not 100% sure it's real, but we think it might be."

But, let's pretend that this hypothetical moon of Mercury does exist. It would be very different from our own moon because Mercury is a very different planet from Earth.

The moon would have to be very close to Mercury because Mercury is so small. This means it would probably look much bigger in the sky than our moon does.

Also, because Mercury is so close to the sun, the moon would have to be very hot on its surface. So hot, in fact, that it would probably be too hot for people to visit.

But, even though we're not sure if this moon exists, it's still very interesting to think about and imagine what it would be like if it did!